Time… In the winter either late winter or early spring 1995 or 1996
Place…Hobtown where else?
Main Team…Dana the leader, Brennan her #1, Denny joker, Me
What happened…?
Okay, so the big part of what happened was the mayor keeps a watch on his dog “Callie-ban” on his caller. The dog is a funny looking dog, strange looking, and that’s the big ‘what happened’ kind of thing that was going on here. There were signs up all over hobtown that he put them up, and Denny was the first one who let us know because of the reward: 300$ dollars. He wanted the dough but so did I.
We looked everywhere for the dog, but we didn’t have a clue until we went to the mayor. He is a guy with a great big gut and he sings and dances and all that kind of stuff but is a funny guy who has lots of jokes. So seeing him like this? He was crying and really upset. Seeing that stuff was very sad. But anyways he told us all the diferent ways the dog acted…and those were the first clues we collected. Dana, the leader, she wrote down a lot of these ideas & we went back to them later.
It sounds totally stupid but i guess it not stupid if it worked but we heard the dog chewed a lot, a bad chewer. So we went looking around for chewing marks, me and Denny. In the trailor park theyre were all kinds of bite marks on this old swingset on a one of the trailors no one lives at anymore, but it was very windy. Denny and i follow the trail from there, we found dog prints, and there is a shack in the woods whre there WAS a dog…we could tell that there used to be one there but he was broken off a leash. It turns out that JANICE POPE who used to work at the Price Chopper and who is at the canteen now (actually she had a lot of jobs )had the dog tied up there and wanted to get the reward, but SHE LOST THE DOG, and now it was actually missing…for real!!!!
I want to add that I had a dream there was a big crazy flood or a fire or both and that what caused it was a bomb which was under a house. That is “stupid sounding” too, I know, and it is foolish to write out down but the dream came true. It was like with Tug Pinker and Nicky Squamp where I saw the wrong kind of train but I was right about it anyway, in the end. I mean there was no bomb, but I pictured a bomb, (like a dynamite kind with the clock like a movie) underneth a porch and that’s where we found the dog.
At first, we went to the place with the swingset and nothing was under there. But then I remembered I had heard dog sounds at night at my neighbour and we went over there and BAM. There is a sign it says PUPPIES FOR SALE. We knock on the door and ask to see them, and they’re ugly, like the mayor’s dog. Clues are adding up.
We go outside and I ask everyone to be quiet. Everyone thought it was a little stupid but Brennan believed me, and he stood and closed his eyes and Denny closed his eyes too and then all of us were, standing there, listening, and then we heard it
tick tick tick tick tick
It was the sound of a ticking. Remember how it was windy before?…well, that day it wasn’t.
We heard the ticking, we got under the porch of the puppy house and there was “Callie-ban” the dog, all full of porcupine needles, but hiding out under there…where his puppies were living.
The money we got from the mayor was split four ways, and the Hale boys bought one of the puppies. Janice Pope, who stole the dog, they couldn’t prove anything but I heard once we told the mayor he got her with a great big fine, the same one, over and over.
CLUES COLLECTED: Pictures of bite marks, pictures of dog paw print, a list of descriptions
someone stole the mayor’s dog, lost the dog, and it turns out the dog had a girlfriend, plus puppies. The Hobtown Detective Club got the reward.
Though there were no aliens in this mystery this is a drawing of one using compueter letters only!
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